Smart Orbiter v3.0 summary

Smart Orbiter v3.0, a brand new innovative all-in-one dual-drive extruder.
The main mission of this design is the integration of the well-proven Orbiter v2 concept into a lightweight, all-in-one smart extruder design.
Why smart? This is the first extruder with integrated electronics. Together with Klipper, it is an awesome combination, I guarantee!
1. Features and performance
This brand-new all-in-one
extruder design with many cool features we call Smart Orbiter v3.0
is one of my latest and finest extruder design
made in collaboration with LDO Motors. The extrusion system concept and mechanical
performances are similar to the Orbiter v2.0 but completely redesigned from scratch.
Summary of the coolest features:
ü Pure plated copper heat-block with 72W ceramic heater and Bontech CHT nozzle for highest possible weight-to-flow ratio;
Heat-break performance optimized with finite elements
analysis for extreme temperature gradient design to ensure clog-free printing
ü Unique
tensioning mechanism with elastic, predefined tension levels
ü Frameless
recessed 24V fan to reduce the extruder weight and outside dimension
ü Large
RNC coated dual drive gears with planetary gear reduction, similar to orbiter
ü New
precision main shaft design to reduce gear eccentricity
ü Full
aluminum housing with Delrin plastic gears for low noise and long lifetime
ü The
smart feature – integrated electronics
ü Easy
remove system of the secondary drive gear for easy cleaning and maintenance
ü Double
filament exit guide system for best TPU printing performance
ü Overall
weight is 175g
SO3 specifications summary:
ü Drive type: 12mm dual drive extrusion system
ü Weight: 175g including standard hotend
ü Nominal steps / mm: 690 (16x micro stepping) / 1380 (32x micro stepping)
ü Rotation distance: 4.69
ü Extrusion force: 6.5Kg+
ü Gear ratio: 7.5:1
ü Max stepper current: 0.85A RMS (1.2A peak), derating over 50°C
ambient temperature.
ü Min stepper current: 0.55A RMS (0.75A peak) for operation up to
70°C ambient temperature
ü Heater temperature sensor type: ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G
ü Extruder fan: 24V frameless fan with speed signal
ü Maximum operating temperature: 90°C (with motor current de-rating
down to 0.55A RMS)
ü Filament sensing
ü Filament unload
ü Hotend lit
ü Filament input lit – RGB LED WS2812B type
ü Extruder temperature sensor: 100K NTC Generic 3950
ü Smart features supply: 3.3V or 5V
New 72W ceramic heater with Bondtech CHT nozzle for highest flow/weight ratio.
Very short distance between drive gears and heat-block (17.7mm)
Screw-mounted thermistor for best thermal contact (104NT-4-R025H42G - Optional PT1000)
Easy and fast nozzle + heat-block swap – single screw

Bimetallic heat-break
Heat-break made out of stainless steel tube with 0.25 mm wall thickness for the lowest heat transfer.
M7 heat-block mounting screw - compatible with V6 heat-block styles
Bi-metallic heat break together with the heatsink optimized for the highest temperature gradient using finite element analysis.

Wire strain release
Stainless steel wire strain release feature to avoid wire brake issues of the heater and thermistor wires.
Shape is optimized for bad thermal transfer to reduce thermal losses.

Quick nozzle change
Quick nozzle change
optimized for best thermal performance implies a simple swapping of the
heat-block retained by one single screw.
Heater and thermistor
wires connected via microfit connectors for easy electrical disconnection.
High Flow
Best optimized weight vs flow ratio thanks to Bondtech CHT nozzle, flow rate 30–40 mm3.
Note: The actual flow depends on the filament type, nozzle
temperature and size. The picture exemplifies typical behavior measured using
SUNLU PLA @ 210°C. The figure shows performance results using standard V6 plated
copper nozzle, Bondtech CHT 0.4mm and 0.6mm.

Double filament guide
For a good TPU printing experience, it is important that there is no gap left between the drive gears and exit guide where the filament could escape.
The two guarding features, center and side—lead to no physical space where even the most flexible filament can escape.
The center guide stops filament from being chewed in between the drive gear teeth.
The side guides stop the filament from being chewed into the gap between the drive gears.
Filament Tensioning
Filament tensioning lever with three predefined positions: open, L1 (soft) and L2 (hard).
No need to guess anymore the correct tensioning, the
predefined positions ensure repeatable and always correct tensioning.
The elastic tensioning arm makes sure the tensioning is independent of filament diameter and avoids filament deformation due to over-tensioning.

Secondary drive gear
The secondary drive gear has an easy-to-remove feature for simple cleaning and maintenance.
Together with the tensioning arm, it can be removed simply by removing one M3 screw.
Precision mainshaft
Redesigned octagonal shaped precision aluminum main shaft.
The outer diameter of the shaft is slightly bigger than the inner diameter of the bearing and the main drive gear. The octagonal shape allows slight deformation of the aluminum shaft to match the exact inner diameter of the bearings and the drive gear, therefore reducing any eccentricity to a minimum.

Integrated electronics
Integrated electronics, the smart features:
ü Filament sensing and auto load
ü Filament
auto unload
LED lit filament input
ü White
LED hotend lit
ü Extruder
temperature sensor
and short circuit protection
ü Optimized
for Klipper
3. SO3 Firmware configuration
3.1 Basic configuration
* The extruder itself without filament can handle acceleration up to 25000mm/s2. Adding weight of the filament it drags along its recommended to set max acceleration below 8000mm/s2. To reduce clicking noise of the extruder (due to fast direction change) you may limit acceleration to 3000mm/s2
3.2 Klipper extruder configuration
step_pin: Pxx #define correct port number
dir_pin: !Pxx #define correct pin number
enable_pin: !Pxx #define correct pin number
microsteps: 32
rotation_distance: 4.69 #includes gearing ratio
nozzle_diameter: 0.4 #define nozzle
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_only_velocity: 120
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G
sensor_pin: Pxx #define correct port number
pullup_resistor: 4700
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 350
pressure_advance: 0.015
pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.03
min_extrude_temp: 170
smooth_time: 0.5
control = pid
[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: Pxx #define correct pin number
interpolate: true
run_current: 0.85 #**
sense_resistor: 0.11 #**
stealthchop_threshold: 0
driver_TBL: 0
driver_HEND: 6
driver_HSTRT: 7
driver_TOFF: 4
**Very important note!!! Please make sure the sense resistor is set according to what you have on board. TMC2130, TMC2208 and TMS2209 usually have 0.11Ω, TMC2660 have 0.051Ω and TMC5160 have usually 0.075Ω.
For example, if you set the sense resistor by mistake to 0.11Ω instead of 0.051Ω the real current of the motor will be more than double, and the power injected in the motor is more than four times higher, yes, you read it correctly FOUR - AKA 4 times higher. 0.85A shall cause a power loss of about 3.5W doubling the current will lead to >14W - this will melt all the plastic gearset before you even notice something is wrong!
How you can identify the sense resistor? It’s pretty easy, look for two identical resistors, which are bigger than all the others onboard or around the stepper driver. See the examples in the next pictures.
Resistor marking examples: R110 means 0.11, R075 means 0.075Ω, R051 means 0.051Ω;
Sometimes I also doubt myself if the setting I'm playing with really sets the current and not something else does. Here is what I do to make sure I’m doing it right:
Set the current to a very low level, 0.2-0.3A. Command extrusion, you should see the extruder turn, but it skips steps very easily. This means you are tingling the right configuration, then set it to what it should be and check motor temperature, which should not exceed 75°C running at room temperature. If yes, you might have misconfigured something (shunt / sense resistor) that is causing a higher motor current than you believe.
3.3 Integrated Smart Features
Internal electronics smart features are:
ü Filament sensing & auto load
ü Filament auto unload
ü RGB LED lit filament input
ü White LED hot-end lit
ü Extruder temperature sensor

Pinout of the internal electronics connector is the following:

1 - Hot-end lit
2 - Extruder temperature - 100K NTC
Generic 3950
3 - Filament Unload
4 - Filament Sensing
5 - Filament input lit - WS2812B
6 - +5V
7 - GND
The correct pins to which the Smart Orbiter signals are corrected must be defined first. It can be done very simply by defining the correct port names in the [board_pins SMARTORBITER3] section from the beginning of the configuration file. Please do not change the pins alias name! Make sure you replace "Pxx" with your port name to which the signals are connected. Check out the configuration recommendation from GitHub:

Be aware there is a bug in Klipper in case you use pin aliases to other micro pins than main. Even if the mcu pin alias is defined like:
filament_sensor_pin = toolboard.PA2 or
filament_sensor_pin = rpi:gpiochip0/gpio23
Klipper still reference them to the main micro. To fix this for me moment the only possibility is to add the mcu name before the pin alias call in the macros.
Similar to this: toolboard.filament_sensor_pin.
Update printhead parking position X and Y to match your printer needs. You can enable disable features in the macro configurable sections.

Include the "SmartOrbiter.cfg" file into the beginning of your printer.cfg.

3.4 Motor current vs extruder performance and temperature
First let me repeat that stepper motors are running hot
by design. Is not uncommon to run stepper motors at temperatures over 100°C. Actually,
designs in which the stepper motor does not run hot are the bad ones /
heavily overengineered. And do not worry, nothing will happen to your stepper
running hot. You will not extend its lifetime by running it at lower
current and cooler.
The stepper used in the Smart Orbiter design is rated to 180°C. Of course, you should not run it that hot. The limit of the Orbiter max temperature is limited by the plastic DuPont Delrin gears with temperature
deflection rating up to 120°C.
Concluding all these limits the
orbiter stepper temperature shall not exceed 100°C at any conditions.
See the attached graphs
defining the Smart Orbiter v3.0 (for LDO36STH20-1004AHG) performance based on motor
4. SO3 Tool-board
Should a tool-board magic smoke come out because of
user error? Why?
Should a tool-board be destroyed by a fault in your 3D printer?
My answer is NO! And this is what this tool-board is all
We are hobbits, professionals and let’s face it, we do
mistakes, and when the magic smoke shows up everybody is disappointed, even if
we know it’s a user fault. In this board, I promise you the magic smoke
is kept inside extremely tight!
4.1 Features
Smokeless Features
for Smart Orbiter v3 shape and features
microcontroller running at 48MHz
USB communication with Raspberry PI
LIS2DW12 accelerometer
extruder stepper driver
connection to SO3 integrated board
1x PWM
controlled part fan outputs
converter based Hot-end fan driver, compatible with 12/24V fan types with RPM
speed input signal
temperature sensor input compatible with standard NTC or PT1000 temperature
sensor types
for bed level sensor
sensor input
temperature sensor
thermal design
Protection Features
short circuit protected Hot-end output
short circuit protected fan driver outputs
Protection circuit against reverse power supply connection
against loss of GND supply
and digital inputs protected against short to +24V supply voltage
data lines protected against short circuits to GND and +24V
interference and ESD protection an all inputs and outputs
protection against short between heater lines and sense thermistor GND pin
4.2 SO3 Tool-board Block diagram
4.3 Pinout definition
4.4 SO3 Tool-board electrical wiring

For more detailed information, check out the links in the download section.
5. Assembly instructions
5.1 Hotend assembly
For correct hotend assembly please follow the following video:
Tips & Tricks:
1) It is not mandatory to put thermal
paste over the nozzle and the hotend parts. It is mandatory for the cold side,
part of heat-break which is inserted in the extruder.
2) Make sure the heat-break is inserted
first into the heat-block first! Fasten the screw, make sure the strain
release plate is in correct position - failing to make this step correctly will
cause filament to leak out over the hotend top side or through the sensor
3) After heat-break is in
place insert the nozzle, fasten it in place - no need for hot fastening! Hot
fastening is only needed if there is molten plastic inside, hot heat-block
allow plastic to be squeezed out from between the nozzle and heat-break to ensure
correct sealing thus avoid leaky hotend.
4) Handle the heater with
care. Its ceramic and can be broken very easily. Do not grab it with plyers or
something hard. Always fasten nozzle / heat-break while holding the copper part
of the heat-block.
5.2 Frameless fan
· Red -> +24V
· Black -> GND
· Yellow -> speed signal
Supply the fan with 24V. To
reduce the noise generated by the fan, it's speed can be reduced to 60% without
affecting the extruder performance. In case is used in enclosed chamber with temperature over 60°C the fan shall
run at 100%.
7. Adapters Mounts
Collection of mounts, adapters for Orbiter v3.0 extruder designed by our 3D community members. A big thanks to all of them, we all appreciate your work!
The list will grow as new adapters are designed, in case I missed some please contact me via our Facebook support group.
To link you project I have a few minimum requirements:
· The solution shall be proven and verified.
· Provide a nice rendered picture or a nice picture of the setup you are proud of.
· Link to where the design is stored.
Orbitron Cube
This is the cooling and mounting solution of the Orbitron 3D printer.
Uses an L shaped aluminum mounting part which holds the SO3 and the belts.
Part cooling uses two 12cm side blowers and a deflector fixed to the SO3 which redirects air downward towards the printed part.
For more details check out the Orbitron cube webpage!
Railcore II ZL X LDO Smart Orbiter V3 & Euclid probe mount
A great adapter design for Railcore II, designed by Yves from Fractalengineering.

Beltender adapter for Ender 3 V2 with MGN12 X gantry
Complete toolhead designed using SO3 for the Beltender. The toolhead should be compatible with most of the ender v2 MGN12 upgrades.
*Note: This design is not fully tested, its still under beta testing, but its a good start and idea sharing project of how the SO3 could be mounted on a bedslinger printers.
A Smart Orbiter v3.0 mount for BLV MGN Cube. Features: Klicky Probe | 3DO camera nozzle +LED light | BTT EBB36 canbus.
All credits goes to Jeffrey Lai!

BLV MGN Cube Metal kit
Mount for smart orbiter 3
for the metal BLV cube DC42 IR bed probe. 2 cooling fan options: rear 7530 and
dual front 5015.
All credits goes to Chriss Bright!

E3D Tool changer
Adapter plate to replace
an E3D v6 or E3D Hemera XS with a Smart Orbiter V3.0 on Tool changer printer.
All credits goes to Max Stein

Creality Ender 3 S1 Pro
Adapter design for Ender 3 S1 Pro.
A design I've made for Creality Ender 3 Pro which replaces the original sprite extruder. The design is compatible with other Creality printers with Sprite extruder. Design includes mount for the SO3 tool-board and BTT4.3 inch display.
I used the original mainboard, added a RPI 4 plus BTT 4.3" display running on Klipper.
Creality Ender 7
Adapter design for Ender Creality Ender 7.
All credits goes to Nicolas Correa

DSLR Toolhead Voron 0

Two Trees Sapphire Pro

Detachable front 5015 fan
Mounting plate adapter for BIQU B1 to SmartOrbiter v3.0 with fun duct similar to original one.
All credits goes to Martin Fuska!

Detachable front 5015 fan
5015 fan mount for Smart
Orbiter v3, includes exchange system. This is a great design based on my ender adapter and fun duct which could be compatible with any printer types.
All credits goes to Nicolas Correa!